Clarifying Vision
Such as organizational vision, case for change, or thought leadership platform.
Let’s say you need to set a course for the future of your organization—or even your industry. You have a sense of the destination, but you can’t seem to find the time to get it down on paper. It feels fuzzy or high-level, somehow. When you talk about it, no one disagrees, exactly, but they don’t seem to get how urgent this is. If they did, change would be easier.
Distilling Fundamentals
Such as mission, values, pillars or strategic priorities.
You need your people to focus on what’s essential for your organization to succeed, but they keep getting distracted and veering off course. If you could get everyone aligned around what’s most important, it would save significant time and resources currently lost in deliberations and unnecessary re-work.
Crystallizing Story
Such as value proposition, product/service menu, key messages, or partnership narrative.
You’ve got a great product or service, but your prospects and partners aren’t responding the way you hoped. To make matters worse, your people all seem to explain what your organization does differently. If you could just crack the story once and for all, it could unlock your sales and adoption.
Defining Actions
Such as tactical roadmap, practical implications, or guidelines for execution.
You need to get moving, but everyone seems stuck on how. They’re not clear on what this means for them, or what they’re supposed to do. If you can define actions in a way that both empowers people and holds them accountable, you’ll have a much better chance of hitting your targets.
Josh moves hearts and minds. He is so good at being able to walk into an organisation about which he knows very little, quickly understand what leadership is looking for, and then convene employees and others from different groups with widely disparate views. He then pulls all that together into something absolutely compelling. Andy Byford Former CEO, Toronto Transit Commission; President, MTA New York City Transit; Commissioner, Transport for London