Get Immersed
I begin by poring over relevant industry and customer research, competitive information, and internal decks and content you’ve created. I have a unique ability to quickly understand context, see patterns, and identify gaps, combining fresh eyes with instincts honed over decades.
Gather Perspectives
Next, I talk to people to understand their perspectives in isolation: confidential 1-on-1 conversations with leadership and members of your team, small-group discussions with employees or subject matter experts, quick chats with customers and partners. With a background in qualitative research, it’s not unusual for me to consult 20 stakeholders over two days.
Prototype Possibilities
Based on what I’ve learned, I draft quickly, distilling complexity into a simple, memorable framework that threads the needle of diverse stakeholder needs. My years of working with design firms mean I have an instinct for rapid synthesis and prototyping.
Facilitate Alignment
I bring together your decision-makers to reflect. Using my prototype as a base, I facilitate the group through testing different strategic possibilities, tearing apart and rebuilding the solution together. By the end of the session, we’re aligned on direction.
Articulate Your Strategy
Finally, I share a clean, concise, compelling articulation of what your team has aligned on. The final deliverable is custom-crafted to be immediately useful within your organization. Usually, it takes the form of 1-2 pages or a short PowerPoint deck.
Josh is a breath of fresh air. He’s an amazing partner to have when your stakeholders are really invested in the outcome. He was able to understand our business and have these awesomely informed conversations with stakeholders, and then facilitate everyone through different ways of thinking about our direction…his process actually made us rethink who we are. Danielle Brown CMO, Plusgrade